
Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park lies on the end of the Northern rift valley escarpment and one of the largest conservation areas among all the protected areas in Uganda home to 76 mammal species and over 400 bird species dotted with savannah plains.  The park was commissioned in 1952 but was first gazetted in 1926 as wild life is characterized by northern and southern sector bi-sected by Nile river that plunges 45 meters high dramatically forming the mighty Murchison falls. Along the river banks it features Nile crocodiles, elephants, water bucks and water bird species. Explore the park in comfort of your safari vehicle while on a game drive.

Things to See in Murchison Falls National Park

Wildlife in Murchison falls national park

Murchison falls has 76 mammal species among them include Elephants, buffaloes, lions, leopards, warthogs, bushbucks, water bucks, hyenas, giraffes, Jackson hartebeests, Antelopes among others. These mammal species are usually seen while on game drive grazing or catching a prey.

While crocodiles are seen on banks of the river on a scotching sun as well as school of hippos spotted in banks of the river and in the evening when they out of water to feed.  Common primates spotted in Murchison falls are olive baboons and patas monkeys.

Birds in Murchison falls

 Murchison falls is a habitat of over 400 bird species, notable birds to look out for include the rare shoe bill stock on the Nile delta, saddle billed stork, Abyssinian ground horn bill, Senegal thick-Knee, Grey crowned crane, Black-headed lapwing, Rock Pratincole, silver bird, Yellow billed stork, Martial Eagle, weaver birds, Black-billed barbet, Yellow Tinker bird, long tailed Knight jar, Long-toed Plover, Grey headed Kingfisher, Veracious Dove and many others.

Activities in Murchison falls national park

Game drive and viewing

Game drives in Murchison falls are done in the morning and evening on the northern sector across the Victoria Nile river. In the morning game drives starts at 6 am in the morning to catch up with predators hunting before they go into hiding as the sun rises. The game drives are best done in safari vehicles with a clear view. Along the carnivores enjoy sighting of big herds of buffaloes, elephants, giraffes and antelope species. The open savannah grassland gives a good clear view for photography lovers.



For Birding enthusiasm, Murchison is the way to go. Birding is usually done while on a game drive, nature walks and boat cruise on the Nile river along the delta and Nyamusika cliff. The rewarding sighting include of the endangered shoe bill stork at the Delta, papyrus gonolek, Abyssinian ground horn bill, saddle billed stork. Easily sighted birds are weaver birds, silver bird Yellow Tinker bird, Great blue Turaco among others.


Boat cruise

Take a morning boat in the morning or afternoon to the Delta along you will spot a variety of water bird species, school of hippos, Nile crocodiles on the banks of the river. While at the delta you will be able to spot the shoe bill as well notice how the Nile flows into lake Albert forming a pattern the Albert Nile. Alternatively, a boat ride to the bottom of the falls along you will see Nyamusika cliff and a plunge of the thunderous Murchison falls.

Hiking and Nature walks

Murchison falls has defined nature walks and hiking trails, the trails allowed to tourists a such as hike to the top of the falls where you will have a clear view of how narrow of how the thunderous water forces its self in a narrow gorge flowing into the Nile river. Nature walks along Rabogo forest and Kaniyo Pabidi are ideal for nature lovers as well as birders as you throw different vegetation cover and river line forests. There is so much to spot like medicinal plants, primates such chimpanzees, black and white colobus, vervet monkeys, baboons, red-tailed monkeys among others.

Sport fishing

Spot fishing is done throughout the year however the best season is when the water levels are low and clear. There are two fishing spots below the Murchison falls and Karuma falls. The most caught fish is cat fish, tilapia, tiger fish among others. You are then required to arrange with the park and buy a fishing permit form Uganda wild life authority. The fish caught is catch and release however with permission fish may be taken for a meal.

cultural tours in Murchison falls national park

There is Boomu cultural group around Murchison falls that attracts a number of tourists. The cultural group mainly exhibits the Uganda tradition way of living through dance and drama, traditional healing, local healing, traditional cooking, craft making and storytelling.

How to get to Murchison fall national park

Murchison Falls National Park is located Northwest of Uganda, a maximum of 6 hours’ drive from Kampala via Masindi, there a 4×4 safari car is recommended.

Alternatively, can also take a charter flight from Kajjasi airstrip to Pakuba airfield which is a shorter distance.

What to pack on a safari to Murchison

The park is generally hot, there fore it is very important to pack light clothing, saddles, sun screen, safari hat, sun glasses, insect repellent because of tsetse flies. its important to avoid blue or  blight colored clothes.

Safari lodges in Murchison falls National park

  • Chobe safari lodge
  • Pakuba lodge
  • Paraa safari lodge
  • Bakers lodge
  • Twigers lodge
  • Red chill lodge
  • Murchison River lodge
  • Kabalega wilderness
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We are Africa Tours Adventure a local tour operator organizing safaris in East Africa. We offer tailor made private and group safaris in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and DR Congo, closely working around our client's needs, budget and time frame.

In all our operations, we endeavor to achieve an authentic African safari that covers various interests including gorilla safaris, wildlife viewing tours, chimpanzee tracking, golden monkey treks, birding trips, cultural visits, volcano hiking and white water rafting among others to create a more rewarding safari holiday in Africa.

A safari package offered by us is carefully planned into well crafted itineraries explaining day by day programs and activities including accommodations in both safari lodges and camps giving you a real feeling of a safari holiday in Rwanda or Uganda.

Contact us for gorilla safari ideas on the best tour plans. We also welcome tour operators looking for partners or ground handlers in East Africa especially for gorilla tours in Uganda & Rwanda.
